IAS Awards 2017

The IAS Awards Department manages the overall award activity for the Society. The Awards Department Chair is responsible for selecting committee members for each of the Society level awards given by the Society and the committees are then responsible for reviewing applicants and then selecting the individual award recipients.
A brief description of the Society and Department awards are listed as follows. IEEE level award information can be found on the IEEE site
  1. First Prize in International Competition CMD Students Robotics Demonstration Contest 2017
    1. Harsh Thakkar, Devam Shah and Jay Shah (B.Tech 3rd year) of IEEE IAS Student Branch of DA-IICT
  2. Chapter Web Contest
    1. 2017 IAS Web Contest 3rd prize to IEEE IAS Student Branch of DA-IICT
    2. Submission due date: March 15th, 2017
  3. Outstanding Chapter Award
    1. 2017 IAS Outstanding Student Branch Chapter Chair to Abhishek Parikh of IEEE IAS Student Branch of DA-IICT.
    2. Submission due date: March 15th, 2017
IAS Awards 2016

  1. Outstanding Member Award
    1. Managed by Megha Tak, CMD Chapter and Member Awards and Contests Committee, Outstanding Member Award Subcommittee Chair
    2. Submission due date: March 15th, 2016
  2. Chapter Web Contest
    1. Managed by Lesley Ann Arakkal, CMD Chapter and Member Awards and Contests Committee, Chapter Web Contest Subcommittee Chair
    2. Submission due date: March 15th, 2016
  3. Outstanding Chapter Award
    1. Managed by Lesley A. Arakkal, CMD Chapter and Member Awards and Contests Committee, Outstanding Chapter Contest Committee Chair
    2. Submission due date: March 15th, 2016
  4. Most Happening IAS Chapter Contest
    1. Managed by Mohit Setia, CMD Chapter and Member Awards and Contests Committee, Most Happening Chapter Contest Subcommittee Chair
    2. Evaluation due date: March 15th, 2016
  5. Graduate Student Thesis Contest
    1. Managed by Yao Yingbei, CMD Graduate Student Thesis Contest Committee Chair
    2. Submission due date: March 31st, 2016
  6. IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest
    1. Managed by Mark Halpin, CMD Zucker Planning and Operation Committee Chair, Myron Zucker Design Contest Subcommittee Chair
    2. Submission due date: March 31st, 2016
  7. Conference Student Travel and Publication Program
    1. Managed by Mohit Setia, CMD Conference Publication and Travel Program Committee Chai
    2. Applications will be accepted on demand continuously.
  8. Myron Zucker Research Fund
    1. Managed by Blake Lloyd, CMD Zucker Planning and Operation Committee, Myron Zucker Research Fund Subcommittee Chair